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MyParcel is ranked among the top 500 companies with the best reputation in 2024.

Afbeelding voor MyParcel is ranked among the top 500 companies with the best reputation in 2024.

Each year, MT Sprout surveys thousands of managers about the reputation of Dutch companies. These opinions collectively form the MT500, the list of the 500 companies with the best reputation. This year, MyParcel is also featured on this list! We score highest in the categories of Customer Focus and Sustainable Entrepreneurship. Read more about this research and its findings in this article.

Logo van magazine MT500.
MT500 Tijdschrift

MyParcel scores highest in Customer Focus and Sustainable Entrepreneurship.

This year, MyParcel is featured in the MT500 for the first time—a result we are very proud of. We are especially proud of our top scores in Customer Focus and Sustainable Entrepreneurship, where we achieved three stars. These are key areas where we strive daily to distinguish ourselves. It’s a great affirmation of our hard work and commitment to always prioritizing our customers.

Curious about what we can do for you?

Let us tackle the logistics challenges of your e-commerce business with innovative shipping solutions tailored to your needs. Contact us now for a custom proposal!

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