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Large parcel DHL.

Shipping a large or heavy parcel with DHL.

Want to ship a large or heavy order within the Netherlands or Europe with DHL? No problem! Using MyParcel's shipping platform, you can easily ship a large or heavy parcel with DHL. Sending a shipment as a large or heavy parcel is easily done via ‘New shipment’ in your account. See all the options and rates on the page!
Bezorgen van dhl staat naast een man met een clipbord om pakketten af te leveren.

Consumer delivery.

Delivery days Mondays through Saturdays
Delivery point At home or at a DHL location
Delivery attempts Standard one delivery attempt.
Second possible at recipient’s request.
Parcel specifications Maximum weight: 31,5 kg
Maximum size: 120 x 60 x 60 cm
Letterbox parcel specifications Maximum weight: 1 kg
Maximum size: 38 x 26,5 x 3,2 cm

Company delivery.

Delivery days Mondays to Fridays
(within office hours)
Delivery point At a business address
Delivery attempts Standard two
delivery attempts
Parcel specifications Maximum weight: 20 kg
Maximum size: 120 x 60 x 50 cm

DHL offers various products for sending a parcel or letterbox parcel. For example, you can choose from DHL For You (the Netherlands and Belgium) and DHL Parcel Connect (Europe) for consumer delivery, and DHL Europlus for company delivery.

Costs shipping a large or heavy parcel with DHL.

Sending a large or heavy parcel comes with an additional cost. Check the rate handout for a complete overview.

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Bezorgen van DHL die een pakket aan het bezorgen is. De bezorger loop voor zijn bus opweg naar een huis om het pakket te bezorgen.
Laptop met myparcel webpagina open.

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