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Request DPD Collection Service

Request DPD Collection Service

No time or space to take your parcels to a DPD location? For shipments to consumers or businesses, DPD Collection Service is included as standard. If you send more than 300 parcels per month, DPD will provide a 1-hour time slot for pickup. If you send fewer than 300 parcels per month, the Collection Service cannot be scheduled within a specific time frame.    
Bezorger loop met een karretje met pakketten langs zijn bus van dpd.

"*" indicates required fields

General information
The desired start date is not guaranteed. To request a DPD Collection Service, please submit your request at least one week before the pickup date. If you need your parcels picked up earlier, please contact us by phone.
Estimated shipping profile
Preferred pick-up day(s)
Preferred pickup time (Only applicable for > 300 parcels per month)
Two-hour time slot, e.g., “13:00 – 15:00.”
Two-hour time slot, e.g., “13:00 – 15:00.”
Two-hour time slot, e.g., “13:00 – 15:00.”
Two-hour time slot, e.g., “13:00 – 15:00.”
Two-hour time slot, e.g., “13:00 – 15:00.”
Fill in the following only for > 800 parcels per month.
Present at the pickup location?