Delivery options DHL
Delivery options DHL.
Deciding for yourself when and where a parcel is delivered: that is the need of the modern consumer. For example, the Thuiswinkel Markt Monitor shows that 60% of consumers want more control over the method of delivery. Respond to this by offering your customers flexible delivery options. This will increase customer satisfaction and improve the odds of a successful delivery!
Delivery to a DHL drop-off location.
With this delivery option, the parcel is dropped off at a DHL delivery point near your customer. This allows the customer to pick up the parcel at their convenience. If you have the parcel delivered to a DHL delivery point in the Netherlands, you even receive a discount per shipment!
Same Day Delivery with DHL For You Today.
Do you want to offer your customers extra-fast delivery times? Choose DHL For You Today! This means parcels you drop off in the morning will be delivered to your customer the same evening between 17.30 and 22.00.
Any questions? We’re here to help.
Questions about DHL’s delivery options? Or do you have another question? Our support team is available six days a week and is happy to help you.