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English Nederlands

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English Nederlands

Signature upon receipt

Sending a parcel with signature upon receipt from DHL.

Add the 'Signature upon receipt' shipping option to your shipment if you want the recipient to sign the driver's hand terminal first. This can be useful if you want to be sure that your package has actually been delivered to the recipient.
Man in zijn huis kijkt vrolijk naar het ontvangen pakketje.

Signature upon receipt.

For ‘Signature upon receipt’ you pay an additional price on top of the standard rate for a parcel shipment.

Download rates

Set up ‘Signature upon receipt’ from DHL.

  1. Create a new parcel shipment in the backoffice.
  2. Enter the address details of the recipient.
  3. Click on DHL For You, DHL Parcel Connect or DHL Europlus at Carrier.
  4. Under Shipping options, choose Signature upon receipt. At DHL Parcel Connect and DHL Europlus, “Signature for receipt” is preselected as the default option.
  5. Save the shipment, download and print the shipping label and stick it on the shipment.
  6. Hand in your shipment(s) to one of the selected DHL-locations.