Signature upon receipt.
Signature upon receipt from PostNL.
A signature upon receipt provides extra security when you need it. With a signature upon receipt, you know if and to whom your parcel has been delivered. Before the parcel is handed over, the recipient first of all gives their signature using the PostNL driver’s handheld terminal. If you would like your parcel to be delivered exclusively to the specified address with a signature upon receipt, select ‘Signature upon receipt’ and 'Deliver to recipient only'.

Costs Signature upon receipt.
For a Signature upon receipt, you pay a surcharge on top of the standard rate for your parcel shipment.
Setting up signature upon receipt.
- Create a new parcel shipment in the back office.
- Enter the recipient’s address details.
- Under ‘Shipping options’, select Signature upon receipt.
- Save the shipment, download the shipping label, print it out and stick it onto the shipment.
- Deliver your parcel to a PostNL location or have it collected by the Collection Service.