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Koppelingen /

Google Chrome extensie

No plug-in available? Use the Google Chrome extension!

If there is no link for the software you use or you sometimes receive orders through channels other than your webshop, use the Google Chrome extension! Link the correct fields, open your orders, retrieve all the information you need in one click and create shipping labels for all your shipments.

Your benefits.

  • Enter your shipment directly into the back office shipping form.
  • View, edit and change shipments in the shipments summary.
  • Reduced risk of errors in data.
  • No need to manually enter address information in the back office.
  • Create shipping labels easier and faster.
  • Almost all platforms are supported.
  • No restrictions for specific destination countries.
  • All delivery and shipping options available in the extension.

Install the Google Chrome extension.

  1. Download the extension in the Google Chrome web store.
  2. Click the MyParcel logo in the top right-hand corner of the Chrome browser.
  3. Log into MyParcel as normal.
  4. The Google Chrome extension is ready for use.