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English Nederlands

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English Nederlands

Sending parcels abroad

You can also use our software to quickly and easily convert orders from abroad into shipping labels. If customs forms are required for a parcel, you will automatically be notified about this. That way there won’t be any surprises!
Vrouw zit op de bank en is iets aan het inpakken

Specifications for parcel shipments abroad

EU shipment 

Weight 0 – 23 kg
23 – 30 kg (+ € 3.01)
Minimumformaat 10 x 10 x 1 cm
Minimum size 100 x 70 x 58 cm
175 x 78 x 58 cm (+ € 3.01)
Total parcel size 300 cm (= L x 2xB x 2xH)
Transmission time View the summary per country here.
Track & Trace Available for you and your customer.
Insurance Signature upon receipt and insurance up to a purchase value of €500 included by default
EU shipment costs


World shipment. 

Weight 0 – 20 kg
Minimum size 10 x 10 x 1 cm
Maximum size 100 x 50 x 50 cm
Volumetric weight The kilo surcharge is established on the content (dm3) of the shipment.*
Transmission time View the summary per country here.
Track & Trace Available for you and your customer.
Insurance Signature upon receipt and insurance insurance up to a purchase value of €200 included by default.
 World shipment costs


*Volumetric weight: Click here for more information.

Sending smaller parcels abroad

Occasionally, smaller parcels with international destinations that fit through the letterbox (letterbox parcels) are sent through the mail sorting centre, regardless of the parcel label. When a parcel is sent abroad through the mail sorting centre, it takes longer for the parcel to be offered to the customer. In this case, the Track &amp Trace code cannot be tracked completely either. Therefore, when you use a parcel label for smaller parcels, check first that the parcel does not fit through the letterbox.

Popular destinations for shipments abroad.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the rates for shipping parcels for each country?