Parcel tracking with Track & Trace.
checks the status of their order several times on a Track & Trace page
unique visitors per month who visit the Track & Trace page more than 2 times
new customers per month who personalize their own Track & Trace page.
What is Track & Trace?
If you create a shipping label to send a package, a Track & Trace code is automatically created. This allows you to track the shipment until it is delivered to your customer. Your customer can also follow his or her order closely with this code.
How does parcel tracking work?
- Your customer automatically receives an email containing a Track & Trace link.
- The link takes them to your personalised Track & Trace page.
- This page allows both the customer and you to closely track the shipment.
Design your own Track & Trace email and page.
You can personalise the Track & Trace email and page within our shipping platform in a few simple steps. Personalise your Track & Trace page with…
- Your own logo
- Your webshop’s corporate design colours
- Messages from your Instagram feed or Twitter timeline
- A promotional banner with your own image and link of your choice
- A link to a page where you collect all your reviews
- A button for your customer to create their own return label
Any questions? We’re here to help.
Need help with setting or designing your Track & Trace page or with tracking your parcels? Or do you have another question? Our Support team is happy to help you, six days a week.