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Black Friday and Cyber Monday: are you ready?

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Afbeelding voor Black Friday and Cyber Monday: are you ready?

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are two days to think about as webshop owners. If you ramp up your marketing on these days, we can guarantee you will see a boost in sales! In this blog we explain how to do just that. Read on!

Black Friday: 29 November 2019.

Officially, Black Friday is a public holiday in America that happens on the first Friday after Thanksgiving. In 2019, that was Friday 29 November. Black Friday marks the beginning of the period in which people do their Christmas shopping. Many shops and webshops participate in Black Friday by offering promotions and large discounts. This is now also happening in the Netherlands! Black Friday has been very popular in recent years and has become a household name among consumers. The idea behind Black Friday is that huge promotions and discounts are valid for that day only. Consumers therefore need to be there quickly in order to take advantage of those promotions.

Cyber Monday: 2 December 2019.

Cyber Monday is officially the online successor to Black Friday. Strictly speaking, Black Friday is intended for physical stores. Cyber Monday started in America with the aim of alleviating the madness in physical stores on Black Friday. It was also a great success. For that reason, many webshops in the Netherlands also participate in Cyber Monday. Examples of large stores and online retailers that participate in the discount days include Mediamarkt, Wehkamp, Hema, Coolblue, Adidas and

Key Black Friday and Cyber Monday tips.

Start thinking about whether you are going to participate in Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Begin drawing up your action plan now and try to make your discount and marketing campaigns as original as possible. To help you, we’ve put together some marketing tips for Black Friday and Cyber Monday to give you some inspiration for discounts and promotions.

Marketing tips.

If you have a webshop, we definitely recommend that you take advantage of the discount frenzy! As soon as November, you can start your email campaigns and social media posts about the upcoming festive season and how your webshop is going to respond. That way, your customers will know what you have to offer. They sometimes say that November is the most important month in terms of marketing for the festive season. We have marketing tips to help you out with your marketing over the coming period:

Start thinking about and planning your discounts and promotions now

This can be quite time-consuming – a good beginning is half the work! When making decisions about your discounts and promotions, think about the following points: the products that you want to offer discounts on, the types of discount you want to offer, the discount price, when the discount will begin and end, how you want to send out information about your discounts, etc.

Increase your range

Increase the number of subscriptions to your newsletter or the number of followers of your social media channels. Your marketing message will then reach a larger number of people. How do you do that? Place a Call To Action button in your existing email newsletter or social media posts with:

‘Be the first to know about deals!’
‘Don’t want to miss out on our deals? Sign up for our newsletter now!’
‘Exclusive deals during the festive season with our newsletter!’

Communicate your discounts and promotions to your target group
You could promote immediate action among your target group. Use one of the following tactics in your communication by promoting:

  • Urgency: ‘Get ready!’ or ‘Be prepared!’
  • No time to lose: ‘Only 24 hours left…’ or ‘While stocks last…’
  • Exclusivity: “For our members only’ or ‘Especially for you!’

Time to spare? Think about cross-selling! Offer your customers the ultimate gift guide for the festive season and help them buy presents for their family and friends.

Discount tips.

Still lacking inspiration for your discounts and promotions? We’ve got another list for you:

  1. Give your customers money (€) off a product or product group
  2. Give your customers a percentage (%) discount on a product or product group.
  3. Let your customers choose the product they receive discount on.
  4. Offer your customers the option of combining discounts. The more they order, the more discount they get.
  5. Give customers a discount, for example by giving them a discount code after they place their current order, which they can use on their next purchase. Do customers receive this discount when they make a purchase during Black Friday? They are most likely to use their discount for Cyber Monday or maybe for their Christmas shopping.
  6. Begin your promotions and discounts at 00.00 and end them exactly 24 hours later. You can either make your customers decide quickly or you can offer discounts for an entire weekend, from Black Friday up to and including Cyber Monday. Extend the discount period.
  7. You can also let your customers know at the last minute which promotions and discounts will apply to your webshop. They will then have to act quickly.
  8. Offer your customers free shipping.

If you have a link, it is definitely advisable to participate in Black Friday and Cyber Monday. communicates a lot about discounts during Black Friday and Cyber Monday. If you participate by offering discounts, you can reap some of the benefits. Doesn’t hurt, right?

Other important factors to consider during Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

If you offer your customers a great shopping experience during Black Friday and Cyber Monday, they’ll definitely come back – especially if they have more Christmas shopping to do. So do your customers a favour and spoil them a little! Don’t just think about giving discounts. Other aspects are also important for consumers when it comes to a having good shopping experience. We have identified a number of aspects that consumers focus on and should be considered:

All ready for the discount frenzy?

It’s good idea to think about how you are going to participate in Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Make sure you’re ready! Make sure you have enough stocks in:

  • Packaging – you can order this here.
  • Shipping labels – you can order these here through your own MyParcel Dashboard.

More information

We hope we have provided you with enough information about Black Friday and Cyber Monday. If you have any questions, you can email us at info@myparcel.nlor call us on 023 30 30 315. We’re here to help.